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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Welcome to Jen Uncut!! I decided to blog as a way of communicating my thoughts and ideas. I seem to spend a lot of time thinking and figured I could use this as an outlet for my thoughts. Otherwise, they just stack up and have no where to go. First, though, a little about me. I am 39 years old and a licensed psychological associate. I am the mother of a special needs child, not something I had planned, but, none the less was awarded. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE and ADORE my kiddo, but sometimes I wonder why I was chosen. I see other mothers of special needs children and they seem to be really good at it. I struggle at times with patience and I even begin to think: "I just...", but I have to stop myself because this is the hand I was dealt and so I must play it. Those thoughts do not change my reality, and therefore, are useless. I have been married, divorced, and remarried the same man. Great story, just not now. As I have gotten older, my friend circle has diminished, and that's okay for the most part. At times I am social and at times I like to be left to my thoughts. I LOVE observing people and I think sometimes this gets confused with people thinking I am judging them. I'm not...just trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. I wasn't provided the best role models on life, and that's another story...just not now or maybe ever, so observing people allows me to figure things out. I have a dark sense of humor and often say things as they are...which sometimes is not always appropriate. I feel misunderstood by my peers most of the time and that's okay. I love life and I especially love my life. I may have a touch of narcissism, probably an understatement, and am also very empathic: Yes, I have cried at my fare share of McDonald's commercials. I enjoy running and reading, and sometimes have a hard time just relaxing. So, that is me in a nutshell, albeit, a small nutshell. So, Welcome to Jen Uncut!!

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